Ben Rothman - WordPress Developer Meetup Archives - Ben Rothman, Web Developer


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Meetup WordPress

Happiness Bar!

Today we had a Happiness Bar Meetup. The happiness bar is a tradition of the WordPress community where people working sit there and answer WordPress questions / help with WordPress issues. Whether the help comes in the form of advice, coding or some other kind of support it will come as a way to give back to anyone in the community who comes with their computers and their questions!

Honestly it just turned into a nice hang out working on the WordPress sites of people who came with something to do. We had a few people “working” the bar to answer any questions and then people cycled in to get help as others cycled out. It was a really good way to connect with the community and everyone who came for help left excited to explore the new ideas/functions added to their site. It was a great event!

Meetup WordPress

Meetup NYC: WordPress as a Paintbrush

Today we had a meetup with a great speaker, Rachel Winchester who gave a speech about how designers have used websites artistically to push the boundaries of art and create a new genre of artwork for the age of computers and then of course how WordPress editing techniques can be used to create artwork for the ages.

The talk was very interesting and although I had seen some of the sites she referenced, I had never seen them all together with such in-depth descriptions. As someone who appreciates art and works with websites every day, I liked to think I had seen all of the cool artistic creation-sites but this great talk showed me that I was wrong and there were a lot more.

Meetup WordPress

WordPress NYC Meetup

We had a Watch Party Meetup for the State of the Word at the beautiful Automattic/Tumblr offices in Soho. It was fun, we had a sponsorship from GoDaddy so we had free food, the space was amazing and the speech was obviously very interesting. There were people there in-person, plus it was a hybrid event so half of the attendees were on zoom.

I was part of the in-person side and I have to say it was a lot of fun. Then after the speech we had a nice discussion about what was said and how it related to our WordPress lives! Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I don’t know when there the next one will be but I hope to see you there!

Meetup WordPress

I am a WordPress Community Organizer

It seems late because I have been going to WordCamps and Meetups for years but I am finally an official Organizer for the NYC chapter of WordPress!